The Endodontic Frontier | Challengers in Endodontic Treatment

Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Zvi Metzger

Zu Gast war einer der renommiertesten Experten: Prof Zvi Metzger.
In seinen Vorträgen und Workshops wurden folgende Themen behandelt:

  • The challenge of shaping and cleaning of oval canals
    and curved canals
  • The challenge of effective irrigation and effective
  • The challenge of micro-crack and fracture formation
    in the root dentin
  • The challenge of obturation of oval canals

About Prof
. Zvi Metzger

Prof. Metzger is one of the world‘s most respected and recognized speaker on Endodontics.

Since 1973 he has been on the faculty at the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine, where he served as Dean in the years 1987–1991. Prof. Metzger was Chairman of the National Board of Endodontics in Israel and Chairman of the Israeli Endodontic Society (2000–2002). He was an Associate Professor of Oral Biology and Professor of Endodontology at Tel Aviv University

Prof. Metzger was a visiting fellow at the National Institute of Dental Research – NIH, Maryland (1978–1981) and a visiting professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1995–1996). He served as Director of Research Laboratories
(1981–2009) and recently (2008–2012) as Chairman of the Department of Endodontology at the School of Dental Medicine at Tel Aviv university, where he now serves as Professor Emeritus. He retains a private endodontic practice in Tel Aviv.
